Our partnership with Thompson Shuswap Master Gardeners Association (https://www.mgabc.org/thompsonshuswap )to hold a 2 day Mini Bee School with a Field Day went off splendidly! We had a wonderful time on campus at Thompson Rivers University and out in the field on day two catching bees! We saw a wonderful variety of bees including: Megachile, Melissodes, Colletes, Andrena (Cnemidandrena), Triepeolus, Perdita, Hatlicus, Lasioglossum, Agapostemon, Sphecodes, Hylaeus. Bombus vagans, Bombus centralis, lots of Apis mellifera!
And we had a great time connecting with fellow bee enthusiasts in the area!
Keep an eye on our Socials for Vancouver Mini Bee School coming up Novermber 3rd!