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Thank you for supporting the Native Bee Society of BC!

You can donate directly to NBSBC via Paypal or via etransfer to

NBSBC cannot offer tax receipts directly at this time. If you are making a donation of over $25 and would like to receive a tax receipt please contact us at to arrange to donate through our affiliation with BC Nature (a registered charity) BEFORE making your donation.



Your donation will be used to support our mission to lead collaborative, community- and science-based actions that support native bees and other wild pollinators through art, education, and research!

Feature Program

If you would like to direct your donation towards our BC Bee Atlas program, please add a note to your donation to let us know! Otherwise your donation will be directed towards general programming.

BC Bee Atlas

Modelled after the highly successful Oregon Bee Atlas, Washington Bee Atlas, and Idaho Bee Atlas, a BC Bee Atlas would collect and make publicly available data on the identity, distribution and floral relationships of BC’s nearly 600 species of native bees. This data is essential to understanding where these important pollinators are at risk, and the flowering plants that are necessary to sustain them. By using highly trained community scientists (Master Melittologists) the BC Bee Atlas would collect province wide data, while also training bee ambassadors to communicate to the public about the importance of our native bees and the flowering that they pollinate. Watch this short video to learn more about the approach we plan to take.

Jasna Guy Memorial

Our founding director Jasna Guy sadly passed away on Wednesday, November 22, 2023. Jasna's family is requesting that donations be made in lieu of flowers to help continue Jasna’s good works and thank those who have supported her. If you would like to remember Jasna with a donation please do so here.

Jasna's final exhibit "As far as I can gather" is currently on display at the Beaty Museum of Biodiversity until June 2, 2024.

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