ID Cards for BC Bumblebees
The Native Bee Society of BC created Bumble Bee ID cards in collaboration with Wildlife Preservation Canada. The ID cards provide a valuable resource for bumble bee identification in interior and coastal BC.
Bumble bees are the first bees that many people begin to identify, since they are large, obvious, and present throughout the season. However, bumble bees are difficult to identify to species, as most species have multiple colour patterns that can vary both within and between regions. In addition, many bumble bee species are part of mimicry rings, where species closely resemble one another. These cards highlight the most common species and some of the common female colour forms in two regions of BC. To learn more about bumble bee species distributions and color forms check and contribute to the NBSBC Bee Tracker Project on iNaturalist.
Printing recommendations for ID cards: 7"x5", Colour, 14pt., Laminate.
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Project Contributors

Jennifer Lipka

Lincoln Best

Bonnie Zand

Lori Weidenhammer
Paula Cruise