2023-2024 Board Elections
Interested in joining the illustrious team of volunteers behind the Native Bee Society of BC?
We are in an open call for nominations to our Board of Directors for elections at our
Annual General Meeting on November 20th, 2023! Board member positions are
self-nominated and due on November 6th, 2023 by midnight.
With our AGM around the corner (Mon. Nov. 20th), the Native Bee Society of BC is planning for the 2024 year. Since our founding in 2019, we have connected with thousands of bee enthusiasts of all ages across the province through education and outreach events — in person at parks and wildlife areas, as invited speakers for nature/ garden club meetings and AGMS, sharing knowledge over Zoom, or via radio interviews and news articles.
To reach even greater heights, we want and need your help! A core foundational value of the NBSBC centres around community, and we want to expand our diversity of leadership, with volunteer engagement welcomed from all personal and professional backgrounds and all regions of the province. You do not need expertise on bees!
As a society we value diversity, collaboration and inclusivity, and we encourage applications from marginalized and under-represented groups.
​​Board members and volunteer roles are unpaid positions, but all specialized services and expertise provided to the society outside a reasonable scope of duties will be paid an honorarium that represents a reasonable living wage as agreed upon by the expert and the board prior to delivery of said service(s).
We ask that our board members:
Attend a minimum of 80% of monthly board meetings (on Zoom)
Commit to an average of 10 hours of NBSBC work each month, including programming, administration tasks and committees
Actively contribute to one or more projects / committees each year.
Board members are expected to take part in activities with respect and decorum according to our community agreement. We are committed to inclusivity and fairness and use Slack and e-mail to keep the lines of communication open and transparent (tutorials are available for the Slack messaging application).​
We are specifically recruiting for the following board positions, but welcome nominations for any of the positions available on our board.
In particular, we are looking for two passionate individuals to complement our Board with the following skills:
Social Media:
Do you enjoy engaging public interest using social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook? Do you get inspired to tell stories by stunning macro photography? Might you enjoy extracting fascinating content from the knowledgeable beeple of the NBSBC and translating it into digestible posts? If yes to any of these, please apply to join the 2024 board and mention this in your application.
Fundraising Diversification:
Do you enjoy bringing in funding to support good causes? Would you like to support the mission and vision of the NBSBC by helping lead on grants, as well as Charitable Status, Endowments, and Legacy Giving? If yes to any of these, please apply to join the 2024 board and mention this in your application.​​

Nomination Information
Be interested in native bees
Love British Columbia
Paid membership status with the Native Bee Society of BC, sign up here!
Have regular volunteer time to dedicate to society business (varies by position, but at minimum ~10 hours per month)
Sound like something you would be interested in?
A nomination package requires the following, submitted via email to bcnativebees@gmail.com:
Your full name and the title of the position you are interested in.
(Optional, but preferred) A photo of yourself for posting on the candidates / directors bio page.
The name of another registered NBSBC member who is willing to second your nomination - if you do not have a seconder, please reach out to us by email and one of the current sitting board members can discuss arrangements for a seconder for your application.
A short description of your background including skills and expertise, interest in native bees, and interest in the specific position you are self-nominating for. This would later be used as your bio on the Directors page. Typically ~1 paragraph.
Want to get your feet wet volunteering on a more casual basis first? Visit our volunteer opportunities page for more info on how you can get involved.